Project Overview
People in different environments encounter various mood disorders. How can designers use the flattened internet to convey more balanced and free resources such as counselling? Changer is a service try to give solutions.

Changer is about improving the experience of self-healing. Users could record their mood, develop good habits, set a goal, use professional therapists' tools and talk to friends or therapists. The majority of functions are considered free to help everyone .

The research started by considering the multiple environments of self-healing experience and focuses on groups in need of self-healing. The design results gave the target group a more free and less financially stressful way to heal themselves.

Questionnaire helps to find out the number of target group’s needs.

Psychologist Burns (1980) recommends the use of the cognitive therapy tool for those scoring below 10 (normal) on the BDI test and the cognitive therapy tool for those scoring between 11 and 16 (mild mood disturbance) as a supplement to professional counseling.

In this questionnaire, those scoring less than 17 (normal & mild mood disturbance) on the BDI test be screened for the user profile.

Some non-anonymous respondents provided feedback on the questionnaire, which was interpreted as an interview.

Another qualitative study-workshop used a method that better protects the privacy of participants and makes it easier to observe results in a short period, and is more widely used - the triple-column method in cognitive therapy.  

In the theoretical framework, the offline to online environments required adjusting the traditional visualizations to be more dynamic so the workshop had online and offline parts at the same time.

The theories interpretation showed the connections between the theoretical framework, which were
-Cooperation, and empowerment
-How the bottom-up approaches work
-How the therapy tools work
These four parts were shown how to be used during the user research. The research process and the design outcome found how to encourage participants and users to express, cooperate and empower. The bottom-up approach were used in the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) , which contributes to the outcome. The therapy tools were shown in workshop and prototype.

The ideation process focused on
-How to transform persona to user journey map
-How to generate brainstorming
-Competitive analysis (SWOT analysis)
-Ideation map

Next, the seven parts of the ideation map are transformed into the prototype.
The‘Home page’ included some questions for finding suitable tools or therapists.
‘Recording the mood’includes a mood diary and positive feedback.
'Self-management' includes two tools which arebringing up good habits and setting goals.
'Recording the data' could record the tracks of users.
'Professional tools' include the Third-column technique generated from cognitive therapy and the Five directions generated from trauma design, because of the similarities to cognitive therapy tools, the Six cores generated from Acceptance and commitment therapy are not shown in detail.

The mood diary tool shows the function of expression. Users could write their mood diary and share or delete it. No matter sharing or deleted, the prototype will give positive feedback!

Users could talk with their friends, and they also could book therapists. Communication and group support show the values of cooperation and collective creativity.

How to keep good habits, and how to set an achievable goal are self management tools also generated by participants in the workshop.

The prototype collects the users' recent feelings and descriptions of feelings and recommends suitable tools for users. The calendar helps users record their mood data.

Free therapy tools show the Triple-column technique and the Five directions. Users could use the Triple column technique to adjust changeable twisted cognition. Users also could try Five directions to self-heal the long-term trauma.

Changer is more focused on self-healing, so the counselling part of the psychologist is a complement.

What changes Changer bring?
Feb 2022 - Jun 2022
Changer essentially achieves the goal of making dynamic tools for reflection and creation more meaningful by identifying opportunities in the transformative zone of technological change and understanding the principles and roles of several theories.

Besides the business prospects of offline to online environments (O2O), this study as an aid to self-healing and professional medical resources has a humanistic potential alongside a commercial focus.

It is hoped that the final creations will improve themselves in the future, improve the field of design and psychological healing, and positively impact the diversity of service types.